“We are witnessing a real social change, obsolete approaches are being replaced by a new era of relationship intelligence with the creation of social and economic value. The partners of this project represent the true network synergy that leads us to be optimistic and, finally, to glimpse a future in line with the right that every disabled person has to a dignified life.”
Mario Paganessi, General Manager Fondazione Oltre il Labirinto Onlus
The HUGBIKE project was born with the direct involvement of children with autism who, thanks to the support of specialized personnel during the assembly of bicycles, have experienced integration into society through work. The project was born with the collaboration ofFondazione Oltre il Labirinto onlus.

The first prototypes of the “HUGBIKE” they were created precisely to meet the safety needs of children with autism.
For this, to the meaning of “abbraccio” linked to the particular posture of the driver who embraces the passenger, plus that of the ethical vision that characterizes this project.
It is precisely from this embrace of solidarity, between professionals in the sector, volunteers and disabled children, that HUGBIKE® is born, a truly special tandem.